Decided to Growth our country to the summit

About Arabia Trading

1.0 Start

At A Glance

→ With a vision of becoming the leading supplier egyptian products to the world, Arabia Trading strives to play a key role in enhancing our country growth through the global marketing of the locally produced commodities.

Arabia Trading success has been strongly influenced by years of experience and expertise in commodities trade from a local, regional and international perspective on both the import and export sides.

*Chairman Word

Arabia Trading is focused on business in the many sectors. Areas of operation covers most of the world commercial cities. trading ,importing and exporting of fashion, crops, home appliances, fishing equipments and technological devices in several areas. Our business model is driven by the company’s commitment to providing a comprehensive end to end supply chain solution from the manufacturer gate to our customers in destination markets.

Department of planning.

3.0 Experience

Our Historical

10 Years Of Experience .

During 10 years we have built a reputation for exceptional value and reliability. We use our experience and expertise to ensure we can provide the latest commodities and accurately predict shifting trends in the market. Our attention to detail in our systems and business practice is matched only
by the unrivaled quality of the products themselves.

Year (2007-2011) Total Imports(MT) Total Exports(MT) Imports Value $ Exports Value $
Statistics from department of marketing for last 3 years.
2008 12,150 5,300 1,260,000 302,000
2009 34,000 10,900 3,280,000 1,200,000
2010 59,000 19,000 5,677,000 2,800,000